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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

True People Within The World Of Fakers

Everyone knows about the online world. The online world is a vast place filled with information as well as the largest network of people out there. Of course, the online world isn't a place that is full of the truth. Just like some information could be completely false, there are some people who don't show their true selves. Even though, this stuff happens in reality too, the internet is imfanous for that aspect. So what about friends and the people out there? Are there really people that are really truthful?

Of course, there are. Behind each username and montior lies a real person who have real stories and real issues. If there are real people behind those monitors, it is very possible to make friendships with those people. The beautiful of the internet that is that the distance of the network is limitless. Being friends from state to state or country to country is really easy (other than the langauge gap). People don't need to take friends on the internet for grant as hurting someone online can be just as hurtful as hurting someone in real life.

Yeah, I do believe that internet friends are real because those people are real.